Microsoft NCE – What You Need To Know

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced a change in how licenses are purchased and managed through their Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program. Out with the old and in with the “New Commerce Experience” (NCE) program. While a lot of attention was paid to the rate increase Microsoft also announced, NCE brought with it several changes in how licenses can be managed that deserve just as much focus and planning. 

The Age of Ransomware: Response & Prevention

Cyber security ransomware response and prevention

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “it’s not if, it’s when”. Unfortunately, the phrase has truth to it. As cybercrime develops and RaaS grows in popularity, the likelihood of your business […]

Celebrating 35 Years In Business

IT services provider

There were a lot of great things about 1986. The founding of Pixar, “Top Gun,” Halley’s Comet made its first appearance in 76 years, one of the first commercial laptops […]