In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a robust IT plan is crucial for maximizing value, security, and resources. A well-defined, multi-year, IT strategy can align technology initiatives with your overall goals.
Why Have an IT Strategy?
Creating an IT strategy increases business value, and helps you navigate challenges. It improves your security posture, helps with stakeholder support, and increases security posture by identifying risks, and strategies to mitigate those risks. All of these strategies allow your business to plan for the future budget, team members and overall direction of the organization. Building an IT strategy is a big job, and it is not a “one and done.” Your strategy is meant to be a living and breathing plan. Remember, experts are available to help and consult as needed as you build and revise.
The Benefits of an IT Strategy
An IT strategy is not just a list of IT tasks; it’s a strategic blueprint that aligns technology initiatives with business goals and provides a roadmap for achieving them. Here are some key benefits:
- By documenting business context & key initiatives you can better measure the success of your efforts.
- Can help you transform your current state to your desired future state.
- Aligns technology initiatives with business goals which helps secure stakeholder buy-in.
How to Create an IT Strategy
- Assemble a Cross-Functional Team: Tap into all the different departments with varying expertise from C-level suite all the way throughout the organization, including subject matter experts. By leveraging members from other departments your strategy is more likely to gain more buy-in from others and be more effective.
- Understand future business strategy: What are your core values and objectives? Do you have resource planning (succession planning for retiring team members)?
- Assess Current State & Opportunities: Where do you store your data? How are you monitoring technology platforms? What are your areas for improvement? Answering these will help you identify gaps and opportunities.
- Scan external factors & technology: What are the current trends? Is there emerging tech that can enhance productivity and boost revenue? Evaluating external factors will ensure you’re on the cutting edge, but not the bleeding edge.
- Envision Future State (5 Years Ahead): Set where you want to be 5 years from now, and design from the future backward. Along the way, make sure you focus on possibilities, foster creativity & innovation, and think outside the box. Don’t rush to judgement or harbor thoughts like “We don’t have time for that now.” This will enable you to make the best plan.
- Analyze Scenarios & Options: What are the political, economic, social technological, legal, and environmental constraints? Use PESTLE analysis to identify potential opportunities or areas of growth.

- Create an IT Operating Model: There are two methodologies: traditional and agile. From those, make a complexity-to-value model to develop an implementation roadmap. Determine initiatives with timelines, smaller tasks, and assigned owners. Regularly review and adjust your strategy based on business changes.

Secure Buy-In from Stakeholders
Understand what motivates stakeholders. Ensure consistent and transparent communication. Provide frequent updates on progress and challenges. Receive feedback with an open mind.
Assign Success Metrics
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs – your baseline to measure from) and benchmarks are important to set in the beginning. There’s no one-size-fits-all, so use several different metrics and tailor to your organization.
Challenges and Solutions
Creating an IT strategy comes with challenges such as uncertainty, lack of resources, and stakeholder misalignment. Overcome these by documenting roadmaps, prioritizing initiatives, and collaborating between teams.
A well-defined IT strategy is essential for maximizing value, security, and resources. By following these steps, you can create a strategic blueprint that aligns with your business goals and drives innovation and growth. For more information on how we can help on your journey, visit our website or reach out to our team.
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